Navigate to First Round
Tim is next up in our series of 'code with everyone at rails camp Hobart project'. As is part of the process in TDD, we were now ready for some refactoring in the GREEN.
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Round 1 to a conversation
Pairing whilst coding is a lot about the social interaction. This next commit of "The Rails Camp Project" was less about a test for Round 1 and more about the conversation. As with any Rails Camp, it bring together Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers and everything they are interested in. For Paul Doublas this means Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).
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Start the Game with React
Happy to join us for a commit on our mission to pari with everyone as part of "The Rails Camp Project", at Rails Camp Hobart, was Rob Jacoby. Rob would write a ReactJS component to start the game and start his exeprience with ReactJS.
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Pending Specs for Continuous Integration
Happy to join us for a commit on our mission to pair with everyone as part of "The Rails Camp Project", at Rails Camp Hobart, we were excited to be coding next with Brenton! Highlighted by his colleage at Culture Amp for exemplifying one of the company's values, Courage to be vulnerable, but did he have the courage to do trunk based development committing straight to master?
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Is snapshot testing test driven?
In our endeavour to pair with everyone as part of our test driven "The Rails Camp Project" our next hurdle as Rails developers was to navigate the always changing ReactJS landscape and make use of snapshot testing, but how is snapshot testing even test driven?
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The first line of code in a Rails app shoud be ...
As part of "The Rails Camp Project" it was time to write the first line of code. With the ability to fire up Rails and a React app clearly we could write some code? Well not exactly. The first line of code in a Rails app should be ...
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Configuring procfiles
Although a large proportion of rails developers use Macs, it is certainly not mandatory and people can effectively code using Windows or a flavour of linux. This was the case with Isikyus who although was proud of his own setup using ubuntu, was quick to get his hands on the keyboard and just as quick to voice his frustration with the differences with the Mac.
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Create React App
Although there seems to not be too much in creating a new react app, simply typing `npx create-react-app new-app` and firing up the react demo app with `npm start` there is actually a whole lot going on here!
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Rails New
As seasoned Rails developers, we all know that the first step in building any standard Rails application, is to open the command line and run 'rails new [app_name]' One of the cool things about Rails camp though, is that it brings together people of all different experience levels and backgrounds. And who better to ask for help in spinning up a new Rails app than someone who'd never done it before?!
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